Research Books
(2021 contracted) JI, Meng, Pierrete Bouillon and Mark Seligman, Translation Technology in Accessible Health Communication to appear in Studies in Natural Language Processing, Cambridge University Press, New York
(2021 contracted) Faber, Pamela, Ji, Meng, Pagano, Adriana and León-Araúz, Pilar, Communicating Environmental Knowledge: Exploring Linguistic Variations of Environment Terminology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England
(2021 contracted) JI, Meng and Petrilli, Susan, Emotions in Translation: An Inter-Semiotic Approach, Routledge, Oxon and New York (book)
(2020 contracted) JI, Meng ‘TransCreation: Creativity, Innovation and Empirical Translation’, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
(2021 contracted) JI, Meng and Oakes, Michael ‘Advances in Corpus Translation Methodologies – The ‘Data Turn’ in Translation Studies’, Les Presses del’ Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada (special journal issue)
(2021 in print) JI, Meng Traduction et Communication Environnementales: Une Approche Linguistique du Corpus, The University of Montréal Press, Montréal, Canada

(2020) JI, Meng and Sara Laviosa (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices, New York: Cambridge University Press
(2020 Laviosa, Sara and JI, Meng, Studi Empirici Della Traduzione Basati Sui Corpora, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce, Italy (in Italian) ISBN 978-88-6760-702-0

(2020) Laviosa, Sara and JI, Meng, I Corpus Translation Studies, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce Italy (in Italian) ISBN 978-88-6760-673-3

(2019) JI, Meng and Oakes, Michael, Advances in Empirical Translation Studies: Developing Translation Resources and Technologies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England,doi: (book)

(2019) JI, Meng & Pope, Christopher, Translation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Cultural Contexts in China and Japan, Routledge, Oxon and New York (book)

(2019) JI, Meng, Translating and Communicating Environmental Cultures, Routledge, Oxon and New York (book)

(2019) JI, Meng, Taibi, Mustapha and Crezee, Ineke, Multicultural Health Translation, Interpreting and Communication, Routledge, Oxon and New York (book)

(2019) JI, Meng (ed.), Cross-Cultural Health Translation: Exploring Methodological and Digital Tools, Routledge, Oxon and New York

(2017) Laviosa, Sara, Pagano, Adriana, Kemppanen, Hannu and Ji, Meng Textual and Contextual Analysis in Empirical Translation Studies, Springer, Singapore

(2017) JI, Meng, Translation and Health Risk Knowledge Building in China, Palgrave Macmillan

(2017) JI, Meng, Health Translation and Media Communication: A Corpus Study of the Media Communication of Translated Health Knowledge, Routledge, Oxon and New York

(2017) Hook, Glenn, Lester, Libby, JI, Meng, Kingsley Edney and Christopher Pope, Environmental Pollution and the Media: Political Discourses of Risk and Responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, Routledge, Oxon and New York

(2016) JI, Meng, Oakes, Michael, Li, Defeng and Hareide, Lidun, Corpus Methodologies Explained: An Empirical Approach to Translation Studies, Routledge, Oxon and New York

(2016) JI, Meng, Empirical Translation Studies Interdisciplinary Methodologies Explored, Equinox, London (book)

(2013) JI, Meng A Corpus-Based Study of Historical Chinese Lexis, Waseda University Press, Tokyo, Japan (book)

(2013) JI, Meng and Ukai, Atsuko (University of Kyoto, Japan), Translation, History and Arts: New Horizons in Asian Interdisciplinary Humanities Research, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge

(2013) JI, M. Exploratory Statistics for the Study of Literary Translation, Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag

(2013) JI, M. Quantitative Exploration of Historical Translations: A Corpus Study of Tetsugaku Jii, Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag
(2012) Oakes, Michael and JI, Meng, Quantitative Research Methods in Corpus-Based Translation Studies: A Practical Guide to Descriptive Translation Research, John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam (book)

(2010) JI, Meng, Phraseology in Corpus-Based Translation Studies, Peter Lang, New York and Oxford (book)
Research Papers
(2020) JI, Meng, Sørensen, Kristine and Bouillon, Pierrette, ‘User-Oriented Healthcare Translation and Communication: Methods and Technologies’ in JI, Meng & Laviosa, Sara (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices, Oxford University Press, New York, ISBN: 9780190067205
(2020) S Lin, J Ayre, D Muscat, An evaluation of understandability and actionability of Australian multilingual diabetes patient education materials in English and Chinese. Australian Diabetes Educators. (accepted in April 2020)
(2020) S Lin, J Ayre, D Muscat, How readable are Australian multilingual diabetes patient education materials? An evaluation of national English-language source texts. Public Health Res Pract. 2020;30(1):e3012002.
(2020) Liu, Y. “A Corpus-driven Approach to Profiling Translation Quality: Measuring and Visualizing Quality of Student Translations”, In Special Issue of Translation Quarterly on Recent Trends in Corpus-based Translation Studies. (Accepted)
(2020) Liu, Y. “Review of Quality Assurance and Assessment Practices in Translation and Interpreting”, In Translation & Interpreting. (Accepted)
(2020) Liu, Y. “Review of Learner Corpora and Language Teaching”, In Asian EFL Journal.
(2020) Liu, Y. ‘A Corpus-driven Approach to Profiling Translation Quality: Measuring and Visualizing Quality of Student Translations’ in J. Chen & C. Han (ed.) Special Issue of Translation Quarterly on Recent Trends in Corpus-based Translation Studies. Springer. (Accepted)
(2019) JI, Meng, Hook, Glenn, Fumiyo, Fukumoto, Translating and Disseminating World Health Organization DrinkingWater-Quality Guidlelines in Japan ’ in JI, Meng & Oakes, Michael (eds.), Advances in Empirical Translation Studies: Developing Translation Resources and Technologies, The University of Cambridge Press, Cambridge, England, pp. 77-93
(2019) JI, Meng, Exploring the Translation, Diffusion and Reception of Under the Dome in the Media’ in JI, Meng (ed.), Translating and Communicating Environmental Cultures, Routledge, Oxon and New York
(2019) JI, Meng, ‘Development of Empirical Multilingual Analytical Instruments ’ in JI, Meng & Oakes, Michael (eds.), Advances in Empirical Translation Studies: Developing Translation Resources and Technologies, The University of Cambridge Press, Cambridge, England, pp.13-27
(2019) JI, Meng and Gao, Zhaoming (National Taiwan University), Developing Computerised Health Translation Readability Evaluation Tools, in JI, Meng and Oakes, Michael (eds.), Advances in Empirical Translation Studies: Developing Translation Resources and Technologies, The University of Cambridge Press, Cambridge, England, pp.145-163
(2019) JI, Meng, Terminological Variation in Health Policy Translation, in JI, Meng (ed.), Cross-Cultural Health Translation: Exploring Methodological and Digital Tools, Routledge, Oxon and New York, pp.63-76
(2019) JI, Meng, Jensen, Stefan (European Environmental Agency), A Corpus Study of Sustainability Translation and Communication in China using Multilingual Environmental Terminologies, in JI, Men (ed.), Translating and Communicating Environmental Culture, Routledge, Oxon and New York, pp.43-66
(2019) Fumiyo, Fukumoto, Suzuki, Yoshimi, Wangpoonsarp, Attaporn and JI, Meng, IntegratingLocalandGlobalDataViewforBilingual Sense Correspondences, In Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, vol. 976, Springer Nature: 224-241
(2019) S. Lin and M. Ji. ‘Assessing Linguistic Comprehensibility of Healthcare Translation Using the Patient-Oriented and Cultural-Adapted (POCA) Model’, in M. Ji, M. Taibi and I. Crezee (eds.) Multicultural Health Translation and Interpreting. London /New York: Routledge. pp. 67-84
(2019) S. Lin and M. Ji., ‘Developing Patient-Oriented and Culturally-Adapted (POCA) Health Translation Model’, in M. Ji (ed.) Cross-cultural Health Translation: Exploring Methodological and Digital Tools. London/New York: Routledge. pp. 30-46
(2019) S Tewari, S. Lin, Managing Diabetes in CALD Communities. Endocrinology Today. 8(1):28-31.
(2018) JI, M. ‘A Statistical Intra-genre Analysis of Cross-national Environmental News Translation’ in Newspaper Research Journal, American Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 39 (3): 326–338
(2018) JI, M. ‘A Quantitative Semantic Analysis of Chinese Environmental Media Discourse’, in Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, De Gruyter (SSCI) 14 (2): 387–403
(2018) Lyu, Z. ‘Chinese Science Fictions Abroad. A Report of the Communication of Chinese Literature Abroad’, In Yao, J. (eds.), Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2019, pp. 281-300
(2017) Lester, Libby and JI, Meng, Risk, responsibility and pollution in Australia, China and Japan: A Regional Overview, in Hook, Glenn, et. al, Environmental Pollution and The Media: Political Discourses of Risk and Responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, Routledge, New York, pp.17-44
(2017) Lyu, Z. The Output of Chinese Science Fiction and Excellent Translators—based on the Translation of Liu Cixin’s and Hao Jingfang’s Works. Journal of Hubei Correspondence University, 30 (5): 174-176
(2017) Ahmed, F., Bouillon, P., Destefano, C., Gerlach, J., Hooper, A., Rayner, E., Strasly, I., et al. (2017). Rapid Construction of a Web-Enabled Medical Speech to Sign Language Translator Using Recorded Video. In Quesada, José F, Francisco-Jesús, Martín Mateos, López Soto, Teresa (Ed.) Future and Emerging Trends in Language Technology. Machine Learning and Big Data, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; 10341 (pp. 122-134). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69365-1_10
(2016) Lyu, Z. The Ecological Study of John Donne’s Poetry. Journal of Xinjiang Vocational University.
(2015) JI, M. “Exploring Chinese Experimental Literary Translation: Translation of Latin American Magic Realism into Modern Chinese”, in Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 8 (2): 355-363
(2015) JI, M. “Principal Component Analysis of the Information Structure of British English and Chinese Genres”, in Glottotheory: International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, De Gruyter, 6 (1): 209-228
(2015) Zhao, M. Self-orientalization, Chinese Cultural Symbols and Culture Communication. Northern Literature.
(2014) JI, M. “Development of Corpus Resources for Empirical Translation Studies”, in T & I Review, Ewha Institute of Translation and Interpreting, South Korea, 1-15
(2013) JI, M. “Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies” in Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 25(2): 301-305 (SSCI/ AHCI) Target is the top international journal of translation studies.
(2013) Y Probst, S Cufer, S Lin, Pilot Testing a Self-administered Dietary Assessment Website with School-aged Children and Adolescents under Laboratory and Free-living Conditions. Nutrition & Dietetics 71(2): November 2013
(2013) Lyu, Z. Thoughts of Eco-feminism in Pearl S. Buck’s The Mother. Journal of Mudanjiang College of Education, 6-7
(2013) Zhao, M. Conceptual Metaphor, Image Schema, and Chinese Grammar Teaching. Jiannan Literature
(2013) Zhao, M. The Application of Contemporary Cognitive Psychology in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Literature and Art
(2012) JI, Meng, Translation and Scientific Terminology, in Oakes, Michael & JI, Meng (eds.), Quantitative Methods in CorpusBased Translation Studies, John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam, pp. 251-274
(2012) Lyu, Z. The Eco-feministic Study of Doris Lessing’s Science Fiction—Mara and Dann: An Adventure. English Square (Academic Research)
(2010) JI, M. “A corpus-based Study of Lexical Periodization in Chinese Historical Corpora”, in Literary and Linguistic Computing, Oxford University Press, 25 (2): 199-213
(2010) JI, M. “A Corpus Study of Linguistic Variation in Scientific Writing”, in Journal of Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality, Tohoku University Press, No.2, pp.106-15
(2009) JI, M. “Corpus Stylistics in Translation Studies”, in Language and Literature, 18: (1), London and Washington: Sage Publication, pp. 61-73
(2009) JI, M. “Corpus Statistics in Contrastive Literary Studies”, in Journal of Quantitative Linguistics (JQL), vol. 16 (3):243-55
(2009) L Tapsell, Y Probst, H Jones, D Steel, S Lin, Updating the Diet Advice website with New Australian Food Composition Data. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 22: December 2009.
(2008) JI, M. “Quantifying Style in Two Modern Chinese Versions of Don Quijote”, in Meta Journal des traducteurs, 53 (4) : 937-941, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal
(2008) JI, M. “A Corpus Study of Structural Variants of Chinese Idioms in Naturally-occurring Contexts”, in Chinese Language and Computing, Journal of Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society 17 (2): 67-82
(2007) JI, M. “What is the Starting Point? In Search of a Working Definition of Chinese Idioms”, in African and Asian Studies, Brill, 6 (1-2): 1-11 (SSCI) AAS is a leading journal of Asian Studies providing cutting-edge research on African and Asian polities and societies in a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective.
(2007) JI, M. “Corpus Encoding and Corpus-based Textual Analysis”, in International Journal of Translation Studies, New Delhi: Bahri Publications, 19 (1): 93-109