Bilingual Environmental Translation Terminology System

This is an ongoing project which collects and translates between Chinese and English key terms and expressions related to environmental technology and renewable energy development. We will add more language pairs (Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese in collaboration with Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil) in the near future. The data collection framework is informed by our research on sustainability translation (development and cultural adaptation of sustainable development terminology highlighted in the UN Sustainable Development Goals), environmental translation and communication. Our database has incorporated key terms and phrases from the General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) developed by the European Environmental Agency. See research references below.

We welcome interested users (environmental scientists, social scientists, professional translators) to contribute new term translations to this bilingual database. Please write to to obtain the access code.


(2021 contracted) Faber, Pamela, Ji, Meng, Pagano, Adriana and León-Araúz, Pilar, Communicating Environmental Knowledge: Exploring Linguistic Variations of Environment Terminology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England

Pope, Christopher (Kyoto Women’s University), Ji, Meng, Bai, Xuemei (Australian National University) (2020). Political Translation and the Sustainable Development Goals. In Meng Ji and Sara Laviosa (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020

Ji, Meng, Hook, Glenn, Fukumoto, Fumiyo (2019) Translating and Disseminating World Health Organization Drinking-Water-Quality Guidelines in Japan. In Meng Ji, Michael Oakes (Eds.), Advances in Empirical Translation Studies: Developing Translation Resources and Technologies, (pp. 77-93). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Meng Ji 1, Stefan Jensen 2, Jiajin Xu 3 and Yunlong Jia 4 (2020) Corpus Study of Sustainability Translation and Communication in China using Multilingual Environmental Terminologies, In Meng Ji (ed.) Translating and Communicating Environmental Cultures, London/Oxon: Routledge
1: School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney
2: European Environmental Agency, Denmark
3: Beijing Foreign Studies University, Centre of Corpus Research
4: HugeMind Education Technology, China

General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) European Environmental Agency

Meng Ji and Christopher G. Pope (2019) Translation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Cultural Contexts in China and Japan, In Routledge Focus on Public Governance in Asia, New York: Routledge

Glenn D. Hook, Libby Lester, Meng Ji, Kingsley Edney, Chris G. Pope, Luli van der Does-Ishikawa (2017) Environmental Pollution and the Media: Political Discourses of Risk and Responsibility in Australia, China and Japan, New York: Routledge