Miss LIU, Yanmeng (2020) Awarded the AR Davis Postgraduate Research Memorial Scholarship, The University of Sydney https://sydney.edu.au/scholarships/b/ar-davis-postgraduate-research-memorial-scholarship.html

Ms. LYU, Ziqing (2020) Awarded the Sydney China Studies Centre Way In Research Training Scholarship, University of Sydney

Miss ZHAO Mengdan (2020), Awarded the Sydney China Studies Centre Way In Research Training Scholarship, University of Sydney

Dr Meng Ji: Teaching Excellence: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Student Survey Commendations (Faculty Wide Units) https://intranet.sydney.edu.au/arts/teaching-support/awards-and-grants/uss-commendations.html

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2019) The University of Sydney Research Travel Grant for presenting at the Annual Diabetes Education Conference, Canberra, Australia

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2019) Sydney Postgraduate Strategic Funding Program – Development of a Diabetes Microcredential Course, the only recipient of the Faculty of Health, University Technology of Sydney

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2019) Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA) – Nominated by the CEO of ADEA for the only representative of ADEA in Asian (China) for all collaborations and programs, while sit in the Australasia Diabetes Congress Program Organising Committee since 2017.

Dr. JI, Meng and Professor Pierrette Bouillon, et, al. (2019) Developing Shared Evaluation Frameworks for Digital Innovation in Culturally-Effective, Patient-Oriented Healthcare Translation and Communication: Australia and Switzerland, University of Sydney Office of Global Engagement/Partnership Collaboration Awards (University of Sydney and University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Ms LYU, Ziqing (2019) The Reception and Influence of Pearl S. Buck’s Works in Contemporary English World, Zhenjiang Municipal Social Science Association Research Project, China

Miss LIU, Yanmeng (2018-2019) Comparison of Education Systems of Erlangen-Nuremberg University, Germany and Xi’an Jiaotong University, fully funded by Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Ms. LYU, Ziqing (2017-2018) Corpus-based Study of Contemporary Chinese-English Science Fiction Translation, Key Program, Jiangsu Undergraduate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, sponsored by Jiangsu Education Department, China

Dr. JI, Meng (2018) Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Mentoring Scheme, The University of Melbourne, Australian Research Council Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Fellowship Mentoring Scheme

Dr. JI, Meng (2018) Sustaining Australia-China Trade through Digital Translation Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Federal Government (Australian Category II)

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2018) The Faculty of Arts and Social Science Doctoral Research Travel Grant Scheme, University of Sydney Travel grant recipient for the PhD research.

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2018) The Nursing Association of China Plenary speaker and the topic is the health literacy education in diabetes carbohydrate counting. The Annual Diabetes Education Conference, Chengdu, China.

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2018) Australasia Diabetes Congress Invited Symposium Speaker (Australian Diabetes Educators Association and Australia Diabetes Society Annual Scientific Conference)

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2018) the invited conference symposium speaker on the topic ‘you don’t have to speak Chinese to understand your Chinese patients’ with the chair of International Diabetes Federation (Asian pacific) Prof Linong Ji, President of the International Diabetes Federation West Pacific Region  

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2018) American Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH) ENRICH Research Forum Humanities and Social Science Scholarship recipient for the PhD study re: health literacy and diabetes to improve patient experience with relationship-centred communication skills and foster the culture & diversity.

Ms. LYU Ziqing (2016-2017) Parallel Corpus-based Study of Chinese-English Science Fiction Translation, High-level Training Program, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China

Dr. JI, Meng (2017) Developing Ecotourism for Sustainable Australia-China Tourism Growth, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australian federal government (Australian Category II)

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2017 – 2018) University of Sydney Postgraduate Research Support Scheme Funding recipient for the PhD study.

Dr Meng Ji (2016), Teaching Excellence: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Student Survey Commendations (First Year Commendations) https://intranet.sydney.edu.au/arts/teaching-support/advance-your-teaching/uss-commendations-2016-1.html

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2016) International Society of Endocrinology Travel Fellowship Award to attend the 17th International Congress of Endocrinology in collaboration with the 15th Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Endocrinology recipient for the multicultural diabetes work, Beijing, China 2016.

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2017-) University of Sydney Current Postgraduate Research Support Scheme Funding recipient for the PhD study.

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2017) Australia Commonwealth Government Scholarship Current Research Training Program recipient for the PhD study (three-year full-time study scholarship).

Dr. JI, Meng (2016) Innovative Digital Translation for Bilingual Communication in Business and Trade, Ji M, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australian Federal Government (Australian Category II)

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2016) Dietitians Association of Australia Healthcare Professional Program Travel Grant recipient for the multicultural diabetes nutrition education

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2016) Roche Diabetes Care Educational Sponsorship recipient to attend the 12th Annual Disease Management Conference, Melbourne, 2016.

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2016) Nominated for the Special Service Award – Employee 2016 for the excellent academic work in multicultural communities, 2016.

Ms. LIN Shanshan (2016) Nominated for the Special Service Award – Employee 2016 for the excellent academic work in multicultural communities

Ms. LYU Ziqing (2015-2017) Study of English Renaissance Poetry from the Perspective of Ecocriticism, Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research in Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province, sponsored by Jiangsu Education Department, China

Dr. JI, Meng (Sydney), Professor Togneri Roberto (University of Western Australia, UWA), Dr Liu Wei (UWA), Professor Gert De Sutter (Belgium), Professor Jorge Díaz Cintas (UK/Spain), Professor Laviosa Sara (Italy), Professor Pagano Adriana (Brazil), Professor Wright Susan (USA) (2015-2019) A Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Study of Global Translation Industry, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP) (Australian Category I)

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2015) Australian Diabetes Educators Association Best oral presentation at Australian Diabetes Educators Association NSW Branch Conference, Newcastle, 2015.

Ms. LIN, Shanshan (2014) Diabetes NSW & ACT Special Service Award – Employee 2014 for the excellent work in culturally and linguistically diverse communities and work ethic, 2015.

Miss LIU, Yanmeng (2013-2016) Memory Mechanism in the Process of Speech Interpreting, Youth Funding Initiative, China Ministry of Education