
(2019- present) JI, Meng: Founding editorial board member, the book series of Cambridge Elements of Translation and Interpreting, Cambridge University Press https://www.cambridge.org/core/what-we-publish/elements/translation-and-interpreting

(2018- present) JI, Meng: Founding editor of the book series of Cambridge Studies of Language Practices and Social Development, Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press http://cup.linguistlist.org/academic-books/the-cambridge-studies-of-language-practices-and-social-development/

(2015- present) JI, Meng, expert reviewer for national competitive grant schemes, The Australian Research Council, Canberra

(2014- ) JI, Meng: Founding editor of the book series of Routledge Studies in Empirical Translation and Multilingual Communication, Oxon/New York: Routledge https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Studies-in-Empirical-Translation-and-Multilingual-Communication/book-series/RSET

(2014- ) JI, Meng: Editorial board member of Meta: Journal des traducteurs /Meta: Translators’ Journal (SSCI/AHCI) https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/meta/#journal-info-team

(2014- ) JI, Meng: Founding editorial board member of Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing

(2014) JI, Meng: Editorial board member, T & I Review, Ewha Research Institute for Translation Studies, Ewha Womans University (이화여자대학교), South Korea

Engagement with Healthcare Organisations

(2019) LIN, Shanshan, The Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA) – NSW/ACT branch

(2019– ) LIN, Shanshan: Chair, the Australian Diabetes Educators Association Expert Reference Group for the Person Centred-Care Toolkit

(2019 – ) LIN, Shanshan: Member, The Diabetes Australia and National Diabetes Service Scheme Expert Reference Group for the CALD priority area

(2017 -) LIN, Shanshan: Current, Member Australian Diabetes Educators Association Program Organisation Committee for Australasia Diabetes Congress

(2017 -) LIN, Shanshan: Member of Traffic Light Guide Project Expert Advisory Group and Traffic Light Guide to Food Resources Project Working Group (CALD perspective)

(2014 – 2016) LIN, Shanshan: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Reference Group (CALD) for National Diabetes Service Scheme, Australia

(2013 – 2014) LIN, Shanshan: the Reference Group and Multidisciplinary Care Advisory Committee for the Prevention in Primary Healthcare (PiPHc) program from Inner West Sydney Medical Local, New South Wales, Australia

(2012 – 2013) LIN, Shanshan, The Elderly Australian (Aged Care) Reference Group for Australian National Diabetes Service Scheme

(2012 – 2013) LIN, Shanshan, The CALD diabetes working group for Agency for Clinical Innovation, New South Wales, Australia